There's never a wrong day for a family documentary photoshoot. There's no single "best" family to capture. However, there is an ideal setting for your photographs: your home.
You might assume that there isn’t much to capture in a family of three – just two parents and a baby. However, the choice of location for a photoshoot isn’t coincidental. It’s a deliberate choice: home. It’s where your life predominantly unfolds, especially as your children grow. It’s your sanctuary, where you’re your truest self and feel secure.
Regardless of your family’s size, an in-home shoot can yield photos that authentically encapsulate your moments, surpassing the results of any staged photoshoot. The outcome is a collection of images that encapsulate the genuine essence of that specific day.
In this instance, a special day is captured for little Sumera and her parents Romina and Max, as they celebrate their six months together.